SVP Meeting
June 14, 2022
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
Minutes for June 14, 2022
Meeting opened by Sharon Vrooman, president at 1:05 Members present: 19 Guests: 0
We shared a delicious potluck lunch with dessert to begin the meeting.
Treasurer’s report: Checking: $92.44
Savings: $763.03 Total: $855.44
A motion was made by Joan Youmans to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Dolores Canna. The motion was passed unanimously.
Secretary’s minutes were emailed to the members by Diane Warner. A motion was made by Ron Lower to approve the minutes and it was seconded by Joan Youmans. The motion was passed unanimously.
Historian: Stefanie Liddle posted pictures of the quilt show in Knox on the website along with those from the May meeting.
Old Business:
The Hall of Fame Quilt Show will be held on September 17 and 18 at the Catskill Art Gallery. Any SVP guild member may enter a quilt in the show. Each guild is asked to donate a basket with items from their area for a raffle at the show. Ron and Edna Lower donated a basket.
A picnic will be held on Monday, July 11th from 10-3 for all participating guild members. Please bring a dish to share and your place setting. There is a $1 admission to the picnic and our guild’s dues of $10 are due at the picnic.
Schoharie Library is hosting a flower and quilt show until July 7th.
On Saturday May 21st 13 members attended a sit and sew event at the church and some did paper piecing with Betsy and others did selvage piecing with Sharon.
New Business:
Next year’s programs will reflect the many suggestions for guild programs regarding some aspects of color and trading fabric scraps. Sharon said the summer assignment is to look up color and rainbow quilts. She has found ideas in the McCall’s quilting magazine from September/October of 2021. She said the AQS magazine has many ideas on their website. She also suggested finding inspiration from nature and calendars. Each month Sharon said a crayon will be pulled with a color to use in our quilts. We can bring in fabric scraps to share and trade to use in our project. She said the colors white, grey and black will be removed and can be used as background color in your quilt. She suggested we find a quilt pattern we like over the summer.
Name Tag Drawing: Betty Pillsbury
Show and Tell:
Marlene Laraway: a small quilt of latticed animal embroidered blocks
Sharon Nesbitt: wall hanging of jewel tone blocks
Sharon Vrooman: 30’s prints flower basket quilt, and another quilt made from leftover block someone brought in the share
Diane Warner: Round Robin quilt
Stefanie Liddle: 2 flag wall hangings
Kathy Livingston: a selvage pillow cover made at a recent guild workshop, a half square triangle quilt for a niece’s graduation present
Barb Haverly: an Adirondack theme flannel lap quilt made with donated fabric
Sharon Nesbitt was presented with a quilt completed with blocks sewn by SVP quilt guild members in appreciation for her many years as treasurer.
An SVP quilt theme bingo game was played by members with buttons as markers and the prizes were fat quarters.
Meeting adjourned at 2:50
Last Meeting till September
Thank You for sharing Deb!
Show & Tell
Surprise for Sharon Nesbitt!!
A "thank you quilt" for being SVP Treasurer all these years!
Crossword Puzzle Blocks made by SVP members)
Cute Game, Colleen