Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes
DATE: 5/9/17
Welcome: The meeting was called to order at 6:39 PM. 21 Members signed in.
Guests/New Members:
Treasurer’s Report:
Savings: $1299.99
Checking: $772.44
Balance: $2072.43
Motion to accept: Emily Davis Seconded: Betsy Macomber Approved by membership
Secretary’s Minutes of Last Meeting: April meeting minutes--Posted to website
Additions: none
Deletions: none
Motion to accept: Sharon Vrooman Seconded: Joan Youman's Approved by membership
Old Business:
Website: Take a look and see if it works!
Hall of Fame: Met this week--looking at changing by-laws and updating for changes in quilting. Working on the possibility of a website; nominations open for inductees, they must reside Schoharie, Delaware, Greene, Columbia and Ulster and need a sponsor. Due June 1st. Induction ceremony in Cobleskill on Sept. 30th, 2017.
EQF: No updates tonight.
SCQBT: No updates
Patchwork Co. Sponsoring "Warriors in Motion" will be collecting quilts made--next year. They will discount patriotic material if being used for charity quilt.
New Business:
Kathy Livingston presented a slate of officers to vote on in June 2017
Thank you from Catholic Charities for quilts.
Thank you from Animal Shelter for quilt
Fill in program committee form
Quilt Show:
Vermont Quilt Festival: June 23-25, 2017 Kathy asked if anybody was interested in going, taking classes, and staying overnight.
Cobleskill Methodist Church Quilt Show; September 2017
Rochester Quilt Show: Genesee Valley Quiltfest June 2-4, 2017
Quilt Show sponsored by Heartworks Quilts and Fabrics, August 12, 2017
Name Tag Drawing:
Emily Davis--clips, sharp needles, herra, thread, fabric
Show & Tell:
Betsy Macomber: Double arrow bluesy quilt
Marlene Laraway: Ruler work-I Spy Quilt
Ron Harris: Judy Neimeyer quilt, Whole cloth white quilt with different threads and designs
Martha Crockett: Quattrofoil quilt, Braid quilt, Puppy quilt
Emily Davis: Bats hiding in the garden quilt
Ann Bartholemew: Two Large Sampler quilts-one moon and stars and one many colours
Joan Youman: Sashiko bag, Jasmine Jacket
Kathy Livingston: Sturbridge fabric quilt
Sharon Vrooman: Gray quilt in block squares
Going green-bring your own place settings. Sign up sheet for June meeting picnic.
Hand quilting techniques and tools to use
Big stitch
Use different threads--embroidery threads
Supplies-needles, thread, thimble, scissors
Painters tape
Chalk pounce
Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Karen L. Frankel
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers

Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes
DATE: 6/13/17
Welcome: The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM. 21 Members signed in.
Guests/New Members:None
Treasurer’s Report:
Savings: $1299.99
Checking: $822.44
Balance: $2122.43
Motion to accept: Sue Smith Seconded: Sharon Vrooman Approved by membership
Secretary’s Minutes of Last Meeting: May meeting minutes--Posted to website
Additions: change Cobleskill Quilt Show to October
Deletions: none
Motion to accept: Joan Youman's Seconded: Betsy Macomber Approved by membership
Old Business:
Website: Take a look and see if it works!
Hall of Fame: Several nominees from SVP
EQF: No updates tonight.
SCQBT: New 4 x 4 block for West Fulton Puppet Festival, New Quilt blocks on Schoharie Elementary School
Still have cookbooks left
Patchwork Co. Sponsoring "Warriors in Motion" will be collecting quilts made--next year. They will discount patriotic material if being used for charity quilt.
New Business:
Nominees for 2017-2019 Officers:
President: Sharon Vrooman
Vice President: Betsy Macomber
Secretary: Karen Frankel
Treasurer: Sharon Nesbitt
Program: Kathy Livingston
Historian: Stephanie Liddle
Sunshine: Diane Warner
Audit: Diane Warner and Marlene Laraway
The ballot was accepted as is and the new officers for SVP 2017-2019 are as written above.
Quilt Shows:
Vermont Quilt Festival: June 23-25, 2017 Kathy asked if anybody was interested in going, taking classes, and staying overnight.
Cobleskill Methodist Church Quilt Show; October 2017. Sharon Vrooman has packet for applications to submit quilts.
Quilt Show sponsored by Heartworks Quilts and Fabrics, August 12, 2017
Name Tag Drawing:
Sandi Johnson: Black and white fat quarters, needles, thread, conditioner
Summer Challenge:
Make a bag out of jelly rolls, or 2 1/2 inch strips. More info to come.
Show & Tell:
Stephanie Liddle: Pansy park quilt
Marlene Laraway: Christmas tree wall hanging
Sandi Johnson: Asian Mum, Yipes Stripes
Joan Youman: Paper Piece and soft piece wall hanging
Sue Smith: Blue and White nine patch-LARGE, Rainbow zig-zag Quilt
Ginny Schaum: They Touched the Quilts wall hanging
Kathy Livingston: Super Nova quilt
Quilt Quiz
Ginny Schaum presented a DVD called the Threads of Life, Migrant Worker's Quilts by Lee Serrie.
President Quilt Block presentation to Kathy Livingston
Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Karen L. Frankel
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers
Show & Tell