June 8, 2021
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Middleburgh, NY
The meeting was opened by Sharon Vrooman, president with a welcome and our buffet lunch.
Members present: 12 Guests: 0
Treasurer’s report:
Checking: $152.05 Savings: $762.67 Total: $914.72
New Business:
Officer and committee heads for the guild for 2021-2022 are:
President: Sharon Vrooman Vice President: Ginny Schaum Secretary: Colleen DeMuth Treasurer: Sharon Nesbitt Voted on and approved by members.
Hall of Fame representative: Kathy Livingston Historian: Stephanie Liddle Sunshine: Diane Warner Name Tag Gift Bags: Betsy Macomber and Ruth Veley
Program Committee: Joan Youmans, Kathy Livingston, Sharon Vrooman and Colleen DeMuth
Members listed their ideas for programs for the next guild year for the program committee.
Name Tag Drawing: Ruey Schell
Show andTell:
Romance is the theme for this month’s President’s challenge block.
Betsy Macomber: Challenge block-Wedding Ring
Ruth Veley: Fourth of July applique of town street
Joan Youmans: Challenge blocks- Cross and Crown, Crocus, and New York
Sharon Vrooman: Hobo quilt
Ruey Schell: Challenge block- Steps to the Altar
Stephanie Liddle: Challenge blocks- Crown of Thorns, Butterfly, and True Lovers Knot
Barb Haverly: a child’s quilt for a gift and two quilts for her expected granddaughter’s birth (in September), an H block quilt and another with a beach theme panel
Kathy Livingston: Challenge block- Golden Wedding Ring and a Fourth of July pieced block and embroidered stars
Business Meeting ended and next meeting will be held on September 14, 2021.

Pot Luck Buffet
Plenty to Eat!
(moved to Church Hall from outside pavillon as possible chance of rain/storm)

Show & Tell

---President Challenge Blocks---


Convergence Quilts
(made at May 15, 2021Saturday Workshop;
taught by Sharon Vrooman)

SVP Group Shot with Charity Quilts
(taken at April 13, 2021 meeting)

The End....
Will see you all at next meeting-
Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021!