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SVP - January 8, 2019 Meeting

January Minutes:  Draft- pending Approval


Officers report:  

 Treasurers Report:  balance in checking account $543.88, balance in savings account $1561.02 for a total of $2105.10. motion to accept Joan Y. seconded Ron.

Secretaries Report: no revisions or corrections, motion to accept Joan Y. seconded Stef Liddle.


Old Business:

The  check from HOF  to the Animal Shelter was hand delivered.

Ginny was given back the snowman made by guild members. A discussion on what to do with him. Some suggestions were hang in the library or keep him and next year we make a Mrs. snowman for him.

A reminder that batting is available for your charity quilts. Sharon V suggested we look into buying more batting.

2020 project. Kathy would like to send in the blocks this month.  Anyone that needs help completing them can contact Kathy. Betsy showed her Title 9 block.


New Business:

Kathy said the renewal for our web site was due.  They are offering a 2 year deal $168 for first year and second year is half off at $84.Motion to accept Mike and seconded Barbara R. All in favor and passed.

Kathy reported we have 4 cook books left if anyone is interested.

Ginny handed out the new quilt barn calendars.


Quilt shows:

Celestrial Threads April 6 and 7 in Troy, Dreaming in Color May 4 and 5 in Glens Falls, World of Quilts May 4 and 5 Connecticut State University.


Name Tag Drawing:

  Ruth Veley


Program Committee: 

BOM (bird nest pattern) was handed out.

Kathy Livingston presented a program of trapunto and candle wicking. Very interesting techniques that many of the members had never done.


Show and Tell:

Sandi quilt made from 1 1/2 strips from Arlenes barn sale and 2 pillow tops and a wall hanging. Joan Y BOM, Ginny BOM also blocks with recognizable block squares. Perhaps a teaching program next year. Mike BOM, Sharlene name tag log cabin, antique crazy quilt and inherited scrap quilts to finish, Stef BOM and quilt made from garage sale blocks, Ron BOM, and coil strips table runner, Betsy BOM hummel quilt, Sharon V BOM and quilt made from fabric Diane thought ugly by Sharon liked.


Next meeting curves, waves, and circles


Meeting adjourned


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Block of the Month

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Program: Trapunto & Candlewicking

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             SVP - February ?, 2019
 Meeting Cancelled Due to Inclement Weather

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