Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes
DATE: 9/12/17
Welcome: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. 26 Members signed in.
Guests/New Members:
Lorrie Gordon from Middleburgh
Betty Warnock from Middleburgh
Betsy Jensen from Warnerville
Linda Amond from Middleburgh
Treasurer’s Report:
Savings: $1300.15
Checking: $822.44
Balance: $2122.59
Motion to accept: Ginny Schaum Seconded: Kathy Livingston. Approved by membership
Secretary’s Minutes of Last Meeting:
June meeting minutes--Posted to website
Additions: None
Deletions: None
Motion to accept: Betsy Macomber Seconded: Joan Youman Approved by membership
Old Business:
Website: Still adding pictures to site. Kathy Livingston is the web master and will continue to add minutes, treasurer's report, pictures, etc.
There are 20 cookbooks left for sale.
Hall of Fame: Inductee ceremony on 9/9/17. Sharon Vrooman inducted!! Need a secretary for Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame is now electronic.
EQF: Stitch Upon a Star. We are in charge of vendors, vendor ribbons and items for basket.
SCQBT: Nothing new
New Business:
Taking Charity Quilts and pillowcases for Hurricane victims.
Betsy Macomber made a motion to pay for postage for charity quilts up to $100.00. Kathy Livingston seconded the motion. Approved by membership.
Schoharie Library: Request to make banners for the library.
Expanding beyond quilting: DAR and Schoharie Historical Society is raffling a loomed coverlet.
Move to donate $500.00 to church for room usage by Emily Davis. Seconded by Betsy Macomber. Approved by membership.
Quilt Shows:
Delightful Designs: October 6, 7, 8 Gilbertsville
Pieces of the Heart, Oct. 13 and 14 Cobleskill
Quilts Along the Delaware Sept. 16 and 17, Delhi, NY
Name Tag Drawing:
Barbara Rau: magnet strip, needles, tweezers, liquid stitch, screwdrivers, 120" tape measure, fabric, thread
Summer Challenge:
Totes made for library by members shown
Show & Tell:
Betsy Macomber: Baby quilt, Marlouse pattern jelly roll
Ruth: pillowcases and a panel quilt
Sharon Vrooman: kitten quilt, jelly roll quilt, many shape quilt (B-11-14) and pillowcases
Sandi Johnson: Pink, green and blue jelly roll quilt, lattice quilt
Joan Youman: Jasmine Jackets
Sue Smith: Farmhouse strip quilt
Emily Davis: Stratigophry 1 and 2
Diane Warner: Red, white and blue quilt, lattice quilt, 3 yard quilt
Nanette: Flower quilt
Program calendar handed out and introduced by Kathy Livingston. Theme is "Beyond the Basics".
Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Karen L. Frankel
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers
Some Guild Members' Quilt Donations for Hurricane Victims

Samples of Jasmine Jackets by Joan Youmans
....... that You can make.

Show & Tell

President Summer Challenge - Tote Bags
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes
DATE: 10/10/17
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM. 24 Members signed in.
Guests/New Members:
Bonnie Lindsay from Quilt Zoo
Treasurer’s Report:
No report because of the ongoing audit
Motion to accept: Seconded: Approved by membership
Secretary’s Minutes of Last Meeting:
Additions: None
Deletions: None
Motion to accept: Emily Davis Seconded: Joan Youman Approved by membership
Old Business:
Website: Still adding pictures to site. Kathy Livingston is the web master and will continue to add minutes and treasurer's report. Stephanie has been adding pictures from the meetings.
Hall of Fame: New slate of officers--Sharon Vrooman-President, Pat Clark-Vice President, Pat Cummings-Treasurer, Anna Wang-Secretary, Eileen Buhl-Historian
EQF: Stitch Upon a Star. We are in charge of vendors, vendor ribbons and items for basket.
SCQBT: Nothing new
Tote bags were delivered to Schoharie library and banners for book areas
Charity Quilts and pillowcases for Hurricane victims were received by Glade Baptist Church
New Business:
Saturday Class Oct. 28th Flower pounding with Lesley Gray 10 am-2 pm.
Need RFD (ready for dying) fabric
Motion for the Quilt guild to pay for half the landscape class made by Sue Hess Seconded by Sharon Nesbitt. Approved by membership.
Quilt Show:
Pieces of the Heart, Oct. 13 and 14 Cobleskill--Drop off on Thursday
Name Tag Drawing:
Marlene Laraway: tweezers, liquid stitch, tape measure, etc.
Show & Tell:
Pat Losquadro: Cheerleader T-shirt Quilt
Betsy Macomber: Twisted again pattern with Australian fabric Corner Pop ruler by Deb Tucker, Missouri Star Pattern quilt
Ginny Schaum: Whimsical Hummingbird Hitchhiker Quilt
Barb Rau: Stay Mat for dog show, White Straight Line Quilt
Sharon Vrooman: Commissioned quilt--memory picture quilt, Miniature block quilt
Joan Youman's Jasmine Jacket: Explained the pattern and how to make the jacket.
Bonnie Lindsay from Quilt Zoo gave a landscape Quilt demonstration
Meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm.
Karen L. Frankel
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers

PROGRAM: Introduction to Landscape Art Quilts
Speaker: Bonnie Lindsay; Quilt Zoo, Worcester, NY