Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes
September 14, 2021
The meeting was opened by Sharon Vrooman at 1:10 and was held at the Fox Creek Park in Schoharie.
We began with the program and Kathy Livingston discussed and demonstrated how to do reverse dyeing using a variety of objects from nature and around the house. She had hung many samples on clotheslines. Members then worked on their own blocks and hung them to dry and for all to view. Thank you to Kathy for her efforts and all the supplies she brought.
Members present: 19 Guests: 1
Treasurer’s report:
Checking: $152.05 Savings: $762.78 Total: $914.83
Minutes of the June meeting will be posted on the website and were available on the tables to review.
New Business:
Please pay dues by check by the October meeting if possible. Checks for $20.00 should be made out to SVP.
There have been no Hall of Fame meetings so no update is available.
EQF is on hold as Shenendehowa CSD isn’t permitting the use of the buildings by outside groups. The committee will look toward the spring of 2023 for the next quilt show.
The brochure for this coming year’s SVP’s monthly meetings and programs was handed out and discussed.
At Home Round Robin challenge: Most round robins are made by 5-6 people and the piece is passed around monthly for others to do a round. Our challenge will be ours alone to work on and is a good opportunity to use scraps. The first round is to make a center block of any size you choose. The second round is scrappy in any way you determine and borders your center block. Sharon suggested a google search of round robin quilts or images of border quilts if you would like some inspiration from other sources. The next round will be announced at the October meeting.
Name Tag Drawing: Sharon Nesbitt
Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 12th from 1-3 pm at St Mark’s Church in Middleburgh. The program will be a small wool make and take project. All supplies will be supplied but it would be helpful the bring a pair of thread snips.
Show and Tell:
Ruey Schell: Christmas tree skirt with tree design and matching placemats
Dolores Canna: two table runners
Betty Pillsbury: wall hanging made with a printed picture of a woman on fabric with many embellishments added and a fabric skirt
Diane Warner: center round of her round robin in pastels and first scrappy round, sampler wall hanging made with her challenge blocks
Stephanie Liddle: sampler wall hanging made with her challenge blocks
Kathy Livingston: paper pieced center block for the round robin and a center block made by Helene Langan with extra fabric to complete it
Colleen DeMuth: challenge blocks-Goose Tracks, Cake Stand, Flower Pot, Road to Heaven and Hearth and Home, Convergence workshop-quilt top
Sharon Vrooman: round robin- Carpenter Star with scrappy patchwork first border and quilt made with challenge blocks inside house pattern
September 14, 2021
Held Today At Fox Creek Pavilion
Schoharie, NY
Program First: Dye Discharge Project (outdoors)
Demo by Kathy Livingston

Show & Tell

President Challenge:
Center Block & Round 1