Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes
DATE: 9/13/16
Welcome: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. 22 members signed in.
Guests/New Members:
Gayle Rulison
Ann Bartholomew
Mary Kerr
Treasurer’s Report:
Savings: $1449.49
Checking: $168.89
Balance: $1618.38
Motion to accept: Emily Davis Seconded by Pat Losquadro Approved by membership.
Secretary’s Minutes of Last Meeting:
Additions: Change Mike Warner's last name
Deletions: None
Motion to accept: Sharon Vrooman Seconded: Pat Losquadro. Approved by membership.
Old Business:
Doing a SVP Quilt Show for Fall 2017 was declined by the membership.
Website is in the works. Rough draft: scanning pictures in site and setting up for minutes. Kathy Livingston and Mike Warner will continue to work on finalizing the site.
Empire Quilt Fest: Still waiting for final bill from Shenendehowa before money is disbursed to guilds.
Cookbook update: The draft is done. The guild members will buy a copy and then can purchase above and beyond. The final figures and count will be determined at next meeting.
Sharon Vrooman needs quilts for Hall of Fame Show at her house by the 20th.
Request from Hall of Fame to do Raffle Quilt for 2018. Choose a pattern from Wendy Shepherd that designs for Windham fabrics. Motion By Sandy Johnson to Volunteer to do raffle quit under the stipulation that 50% of the money goes a regional charity of SVP choice. Seconded by Emily Davis. Approved by membership.
President Challenge was met with 33 blocks to make quilts for the Animal Shelter.
New Business:
$20.00 dues are due to Sharon Nesbitt. Move to give $500.00 to St. Mark's for the year by Emily Davis. Seconded by Sue Hess. Approved by membership.
Hall of Fame program October 3rd. See attached.
Airing of the Quilts on Sept. 17th, 2016
Quilt Barn trail: Trails to tales--in conjunction with RPI--have interviewed and video taped people about background of quilt block.
Ron Harris--Workshop at Delanson Fire House--Oct. 21st-needs to know who wants to attend by Friday. Table runner by Judy Neimeier.
SALT: Dinner on Oct. 22nd.
Quilt Shows:
Hall of Fame Quilt Show Sept. 24-25, 2016 in Roxbury, NY.
Quilt Show at Proctor's October 1-2, 2016
Name Tag Drawing:
Diane Warner: thread conditioner, fabric, thread, organizing things.
Show & Tell:
Marlene Laraway: Fall twister pattern, rainbow curved ruler circle quilt, New York Beauty
Sharon Vrooman: Po dunk pretty
Joan Youmans: Pink baby quilt
Barbara Rau: Windham fabric blue and white collection quilt
Chris Wolfe: picks and sticks with big yo-yos
Ida: Hexagon quilt
Ginny Schaum: Quilter's world Smitten with Mittens
New program brochure out. Subject to change. Saturday class for November: you will need a ruler.
Adding dimension and texture and changing shapes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm
Karen Frankel
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes
DATE: 10/11/16
Welcome: The meeting was called to order at 6:50 PM. 25 Members signed in.
Guests/New Members: None
Treasurer’s Report: No report as the treasurer is out sick
Secretary’s Minutes of Last Meeting:
Additions: Fixed the name of the church, Mary Kerr's name from Merry and typo on
Sharon Vrooman's last name. Change Sandy to Sandi.
Deletions: None
Motion to accept: Ron Harris Seconded: Joan Youman's Approved by membership
Old Business:
Website-Kathy Livingston unveiled the draft of the website. Looks awesome!
Empire Quiltfest--check is in the mail. Karen Frankel is taking over Sue Smith's EQF representative for the Quilt Show.
Cookbook: Entering 75 recipes. Sign up sheet for cookbooks was 40. Should cost around $520.00. Motion to order 72 books: Sharon Vrooman Seconded: Joan Youman's Approved by membership
Hall of Fame Raffle Quilt update: raised $3000.00
Class on Nov. 12 given by Barbara Rau sign up. Can make Table runner, bed runner or Ruler is the "learning curve". Barb can order ruler if you like.
New Business:
Quilt Barn Trail--Sharon Aitchison has resigned. Need a new member.
Newspaper is forming in Middleburgh--Mayor Matthew Auitable taking story submissions.
Quilt Shows:
None known
Name Tag Drawing:
Betty Pillsbury: fabric, sassy clip, triangle tessalation pattern, heat bond, name tag holder, pins and needles
Show & Tell:
Annette: Avocado cat
Betty Pillsbury: HER BOOK
Sharon Vrooman: Entered contest-made 2 quilts that she will donate
Sue Smith: blue flower quilt with airplanes on the back. Green and Cranberry quilt
Karen Frankel: Owls
Pat Losquadro: Quilt made by her 8 granddaughter's--Going to be auctioned off by Lion's club. Christmas bulbs quilt for St. Jude's to auction off.
Program: Basic maintenance on sewing machine by Sharon Vrooman
Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.
Karen L. Frankel
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers
***Show & Tell***