SVP Meeting
Dec. 10, 2024
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
December 10, 2024 SVP Minutes
Meeting was called to order by President Barb Haverly
There were 21 members present and 1 guest Maryann Sternheimer
Prior to our meeting members enjoyed a pot luck lunch.
After stuffing ourselves meeting began with reports
Secretary - Emily D made a motion to accept Betsy M seconded all approved
Treasurer-our balance is $3394.71 motion to accept Joan Y seconded Sharon V all approved
Historian- Stephanie L She is having trouble downloading picture hopes to get posted soon
No reports from Catskill Mountain Quilters
Program committee- new block of the month curvy log cabin next month will be not your boring borders
By laws -haven't met
Old business - none
New business-there will be a State wide shop hop May 1 thru June 30 as more details become available, they will be given to guild members.
Kathy L asked for go ahead with renewal for our web site will look into how much we can save going for 5 year renewal.
Guild collected 92 pillowcases and 136 pairs of socks for Catholic Charities
Name tag drawing- Sharon V received a bag of goodies
Show and tell-
Kathy L clam shell piece
Martha C log cabin curvy Christmas tree pattern
Emily D last years challenge of 2 color quilt
Denise table runner of flying geese
Ruey children's book for her grandchild
Betsy M row by row from Alaska this is the 4th one she has done
Deb Star gazing crazy quilting
Nichol wall hanging
Ruth backpack for little one
Joan star quilt from UFOs
Steff quilt of valor made by PDQ members
Meeting adjourned have a wonderful Christmas see you next year
(minutes taken by Diane Warner in Colleen DeMuth's absence)
Christmas Buffet
Pillowcases & Socks
Show & Tell