SVP - September 10, 2019 Meeting
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes
September 10, 2019
Meeting called to order at 6:30 by President Sharon Vrooman. Members present: 23
Guests/New members: Ann from the Quilt Bug, our guest speaker
President: Sharon Vrooman Vice President: Emily Davis Teasurer: Sharon Nesbitt Secretary: Colleen DeMuth Historian: Stephanie Liddle Name Tag Drawing: Marlene Laraway & Betsy Macomber
Treasurer’s report:
Savings: $1,251.57 Checking: $ 256.91 Balance: $1,508.48 Motion to accept: Ginny Schaum Seconded: Joan Youmans Approved by membership.
Dues of $20.00 by check to Schoharie Valley Piecemakers should be given to Sharon Nesbitt.
Secretary’s Minutes of June 2019 meeting submitted by Diane Warner was emailed to members. No Corrections or additions requested. Motion to accept: Sandi Johnson Seconded: Joan Youmans Approved by membership.
Name Tag Drawing: Joan Youmans
Old Business: Empire Quilt Fest, dates were approved by Shenendehowa CSD for April 4 and 5, 2020 at Shenendehowa High School East with set up on April 3rd. The theme is EQF X Diamonds and Daffodils. Theme quilts should be no larger than 42” x 42”. The Modern quilt guild has joined the committee. A committee is needed to bring ideas about the vendor ribbons our guild is responsible for making. Colleen DeMuth and Sharlene Vanderbilt volunteered. If anyone else is interested please volunteer at the October meeting.
Catskill Hall of Fame induction will be held at St. Mark’s Church on September 14, our guild is hosting. Kathy Livingston is being inducted. There will be a luncheon. The building will be open at 9:00 and people will start coming at 9:30 for set up. Greeters will be needed at the door to distribute the hand-outs. Help is needed to set up the luncheon and with clean up. Please let Sharon know if you are available. Our representative is Betsy Macomber and Sharon Vrooman is the current president until the fall election. There is a picnic each summer and a fall meeting with inductees and the executive board. We pay dues to the Hall of Fame so our guild can participate in events and nominate our guild members for the Hall of Fame
Our summer challenge was to make a fidget for an area nursing home. Marlene Laraway, Betsy Macomber, Ruth Veley, Joan Youmans, Stephanie Liddle, Sharon Vrooman contributed one or more fidgets. Colleen DeMuth will take them to donate to Teresian House where her aunt is a patient.
New Business:
Airing of the quilts will be held on Saturday, September 14 with a rain date the following day, the 15th.
Antique show will be held at Depot Lane Center in Schoharie on September 21 and 22, Saturday 10-5 and Sunday 11-4.
Quilts along the Delaware sponsored by the Delaware County Historical Association will the held October 21, 22 and 28, 29 from 10-4. Fee $4.00
Ginny Schaum asked if there was any interest in making a scarecrow for Middleburgh’s fall event. The corn husks go up on September 26 and entries must be completed by October 1st. Please see Ginny if you would like to help make a scarecrow. To vote for the scarecrow of your choice a canned good must be brought to donate. Sharlene Vanderbilt contacted a company that has silk scraps and when the contact accumulates more she would be willing to donate them to the guild.
Ann the new owner of the Quilt Bug on Carmen Road in Schenectady spoke about the shop. See the website for directions and information on classes. Ann said that when she bought the business and reopened there were 100 bolts of fabric in the store and she now has 600 bolts. Two of the fabric brands she carries are Willmington and Northcott. She showed us a variety of panels and said she has coordinating fabric. She is looking for new people to teach classes at the shop. You can contact her if you are interested. They are sponsoring a bus trip to western MA for their shop hop on October 19th, check website for details.
Show and Tell:
Sue Smith- green and gold quilt
Colleen DeMuth- 2 wall hangings made from blocks of cats and dogs drawn and colored by 4th and 5th graders at BKW in art class.
Sharon Nesbitt- a Trip around the world quilt made from an Eleanor Burns pattern
Diane Warner- 9 patch quilt made from last year’s block of the month
Stephanie Liddle- green and yellow quilt made with blocks of the month
Martha Crockett- pocketbook made with blocks she embroidered on her sewing machine
Gloria Falcone- made a string quilt using up scraps
Ron Lower- made a red and blue quilt with his blocks of the month
Adjourned: Meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Colleen DeMuth Secretary Schoharie Valley Piecemakers