SVP Meeting
September 12, 2023
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes for September 12, 2023 Meeting was opened by Barb Haverly, president at 1:07 Members present: 22 Guests: 0 Welcome to our two new members, Denise and Louise. **Secretary’s report: Colleen DeMuth reported the minutes were emailed to members by Diane Warner who recorded the June 13th meeting. A motion was made by Betsy Macomber to accept the minutes and it was seconded by Betty Pillsbury. The minutes were approved by the members with 1 abstention. ***Treasurer’s report: Ron Lower reported that there was a balance of $1,991.24 on 7-13-23 after the change of officers. After a deposit from Lily Quilt raffle tickets ($425) the balance is $2,416.24. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Sharon Vrooman and seconded by Stephanie Liddle. The motion was passed by the members with one abstention. ***Quilters HOF report: Kathy Livingston talked about the summer picnic. She said kits were handed out for a quilt block for a raffle. Sharon Vrooman said the block was chosen to represent the Catskill Mountains. There will be a HOF meeting on October 2 nd . Old Business: ***EQF show: Kathy Livingston reported the theme will remain Diamonds and Daffodils in April 2024 (2020 show cancelled due to Covid). A site visit was made to Fulton Montgomery Community College by committee members. Kathy said she is beginning to receive vendor applications. ***Lily Quilt report: Since the spring tickets have been sold at several events including the Schoharie Library show, Middleburgh craft show and the Lily Fest. ***On 9-16-23 the village of Schoharie is holding a village yard sale. If you are available to sell raffle tickets, see Kathy Livingston. ***Bennington Quilt show will be held on September 16 and 17th . ***Old Stone Fort Harvest Fair will be held on October 14th. There will be a display of quilts that feature historic blocks. A sign-up sheet was passed around for set up October 13th and for the Lily quilt raffle ticket table on the 14th . *** Major’s Inn Quilt show will be held on October 6, 7 and 8 th . If you are entering a quilt in the show, Sharon needs the quilt with the paperwork by September20th. New Business: ***Log Cabin’s Quilts in the Yard will be held on Sunday, September 17th rain or shine. ***Windham Quilt show will be held October 7 and 8th . ***Dues are due as soon as possible. Please see Ron Lower and give him a check for $20.00 to Schoharie Valley Piecemakers. ***A payment of $500.00 will be made to St. Mark’s for the monthly use of the gathering room from September 2023 through June 2024. Name Tag Drawing: Emilie Wright Program Committee: Members spoke about the plans for monthly programs listed in the brochure. Each month there will be a two-color block of the month. Members were given a piece of fabric, a needle and a card of floss. Please bring these each month along with scissors. Show and Tell: Ruey Schell: Halloween witch wall hanging, a Sue Pritt pattern Sharon Vrooman: said she has been making commissioned shirt and sweatshirt quilts this summer Marlene Laraway: showed her two completed color challenge quilts Ruth Veley: a table runner and an iPad case Emily Davis: black, gray, white quilt made with wonky bat squares with a wavy border Denise Tracy: a patriotic star quilt made from a kit from the sale of Helene Langan’s quilting supplies Kathy Livingston: completed her color challenge, the Fire and Ice quilt Kathy Gorczyca: Welcome wall hanging from a Sue Pritt pattern Martha Crockett: wall hanging made with printed barn blocks with pieced squares Betsy Macomber: winter wall hanging of birds at a feeder, a wall hanging of a moose from Northern Reflections quilt shop in Alaska, a quilt of bright stars paper pieced on a black background (Catch me if you can) Stephanie Liddle: color challenge chicken quilt completed Meeting was adjourned at 2:36.
Reminder: SVP will be one of featured displays there;
a room of our own


Event by both
SVP Meeting
October 10, 2023
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Minutes for October 10, 2023
Members Signed in: 19 Guests: 0
Meeting opened by President Barb Haverly at 1:05PM
Barb asked for a moment of silence for unrest in the Middle East and the world.
*Secretary Report: A motion was made by Betsy Macomber to accept 9/12/23 minutes; seconded by Joan Youman; minutes approved by members.
*Treasurery Report: Treasurer Ron Lower reported 9/12/23 balance: $2,416.24. A $43.24 check #1168 written to Betsy Macomber for name tag supplies; $500 check #1169 written to St. Mark's Lutheran Church for yearly hall use; members dues received & deposited $400 with balance of $2,273.00. A motion to accept treasurer's report made by Sharon Vrooman and seconded by Ruey Schell; motion was passed by members.
*Empire Quilt Fest 2024 Show: Kathy Livingston stated show will now be at the Fulton Montgomery Community College, Johnston, NY. Dates: April 27 & 28, 2024. Theme is still "Diamonds & Daffodils". Info can be looked up on empirequiltfest.org where flyers & registration forms can be found. Kathy plans to bring printed registration forms & flyers to November meeting.
*Lily Quilt report: Drawing for this raffle quilt will be drawn Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023 at end of event.
*Hall of Fame (HOF) Representative News: Kathy Livingston read a thank you letter from Pat Clark; she won the basket at HOF picnic made by SVP. Sharon Vrooman also mentioned that of the 82 block packets given out to make the next HOF quilt, she has received 80 back.
*Major's Inn Quilt Show: Some members attended and said it was a nice show.
*Old Stone Fort Harvest Festival: Saturday, October 14, 2023; Kathy Livingston and Barb Haverly have work schedules for SVP and Peaceable Day Guild (PDG) members.
*Reminder: Guild has batting for those making charity quilts; just need to give Ron Lower size you may need; he can usually cut before/after meeting as batting is stored at St. Mark's church.
Quilt Shows: None to report.
Reminder: Pillowcases are due at the December 12 meeting/holiday covered dish. Socks too if you can.
NAME TAG DRAWING: Martha Crockett- Bag w/jelly roll, thread, piece of candy, etc. Also: Joan Youman received a mystery envelope with patterns & book.
PROGRAM (1): Betty Pillsbury discussed ways to put patterns onto fabric for hand stitching. (Remember to bring fabric, needle & thread she handed out at Sept. mtg)
PROGRAM (2): Kathy Livingston discussed using black fabric in quilts and the many shades of black in fabric.
SHOW & TELL: Many showed their quilts and pieces that they had used black fabric in them. Plus others.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:05 PM
(Notes take by Stephanie Liddle in Colleen DeMuth's absence)
Program: A Bit of Betty
(Betty Pillsbury and her stitching)

Program: Black is a Primary Color ...by Kathy Livingston
Show & Tell