SVP Minutes
February 11, 2020
Call to Order: 1:05 pm by Pres. Sharon Vrooman with 26 members and guests signed in
Guests/ New Members: Lori Petrezzino, Barb Elder, Ruey Schell, Barb Haverly, Emilie Wright
Treasurer’s Report: By Sharon Nesbitt
Dec: Paid St. Mark’s Church $500 for yearly ‘rent’ of meeting hall; Balance in Checking = $1408.83
Jan: Checking= $147.10 Savings = $1261.73 + interest($0.11) Total= $1408.99
Motion to Accept by Betsy Macomber; Seconded by Joan Youmans. Passed.
Secretary’s Report:
Minutes from last meeting accepted as received.
Motion to Accept: Joan Youmans; Seconded by Ron Lower. Passed.
Old Business:
EQF-X: Committee meeting on Wed. Feb.12 with Betsy M. and Kathy L. planning to attend. Entrees are due Feb. 15; Drop-off for quilts April 1st (Vrooman’s Quilts is a drop-off point; entrants will get a letter with instructions). Volunteers needed and encouraged, as we are one of the sponsoring guilds (many jobs available that could work with your time frame and availability). Our SVP guild booth will have the raffle quilt for Catskill Mtn Quilters Hall of Fame and tickets for same, plus fat quarters and books/magazines for sale. Ginny Schaum to check if Quilt Barn Trail has items we can put out on the table for promotion, as well. Our Middleburgh quilted snowman may also join the exhibit. Sharon V. will look for a few more items that the guild is expected to donate to the EQF awards baskets (have honey and some QBT items possibly coming….Betsy Macomber is gathering the items.) More fat quarters are needed for our sale items….contact Sharon Vrooman to donate.
Long-arm for sale: A Cairo Piecemakers member still has her long-arm for sale…..Sharon V. has info.
Schoharie Library Show w/ Garden Club: Still discussing possible dates in Spring vs. Fall, as the Garden Club may be involved with another show that is in conflict
New Business:
Books of the Bible Quilt: Ron Lower discussed the quilt by Karen Van Dyke that is hanging in St. Mark’s church hall where we meet (see picture on website also). It started as a free, down-loadable pattern that is available for purchase now. Ron explained some of the why’s and symbolism of the blocks, and pointed out the documentation hanging next to the quilt. Ron did a similar one that is hanging in the Schoharie Lutheran Church, as well as doing the long-arm quilting on this purple and white one of Karen’s.
SVP Batting: The remaining amount of batting already purchased by the guild for charity projects was reviewed, as Betsy M. can occasionally get free shipping on the rolls, but it would be on short notice. The batting is 97” wide X 30 yards, and we currently have 1 roll plus a little bit on hand. Seems o.k. for now, so no new order is needed at this time.
Quiltbug: This business is looking for a few more part-time employees. Contact the store if interested.
Tips from Chris Polak- Copies of these tips from one of our Hall of Fame Members were given out courtesy of Joan Youmans.
Quilt Shows:
Fenimore Quilt Show: Feb. 8 – 23 in Cooperstown
Empire Quilt Fest (EQF-X): April 4-5, 2020 in Clifton Park
Name Tag Draw:
Edna Lower received fabric, steam-a-seam, pins, fray-check, & marking pen in her gift bag
Show and Tell:
48 Placemats for Meals-on-Wheels were shown and turned in (with some more coming)
See pictures below for these and the rest of the items from Show and Tell
Demonstrations stations of different types of applique by Joan Youmans (soft piecing & reverse) and Sandi Johnson (iron-on)
{Note: Next Meeting: March 10, 2020 at 1 pm: Program- Scrap Management & Sashings}
Submitted by: K. Livingston (substitute Sec. for Colleen DeMuth)
Books of the Bible Quilt-on
Display in St. Mark's Hall

Placemats for Meals on Wheels

Show and Tell

Program- Types of Applique