March 9, 2021
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Middleburgh, NY
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes
March 9, 2021
Meeting called to order by Sharon Vrooman, President at 1:05.
Members present: 20 Guests: none
Treasurer’s report by Sharon Nesbitt Checking $152.05 Savings: $962.37 Total: $1,114.42 Motion made by Joan Youmans to accept the report and seconded by Emily Davis. Motion passed by members.
Secretary minutes of December 8, 2020 meeting by Colleen DeMuth posted on web site and a copy on each table. January and February meetings were cancelled due to increase in Covid 19 cases in member’s home counties. Motion made by Ron Lower to accept the minutes and seconded by Barb Haverly. Motion passed by the members.
Historian report: There is nothing new to report.
Old Business:
Sharon Vrooman reported there would be no inductions into the Quilters Hall of Fame this year. The next induction will be held in 2022 if possible.
Please bring any donation items (unless previously returned) such as pillowcases and a small child’s quilt for Maternity Services or a placemat for Meals on Wheels’ seniors to the April 13th meeting. You are not expected to do all the projects but we would like you to make at least one please.
New Business:
Quilt Show: Stone Arabia Quilt Show, all entry forms must be in by April 15th. Please see or contact Sharon Vrooman if you would like a form. She will be taking two quilts of her own and is willing to take others and pick them up after the show.
A new slate of officers is needed for our vote at the June meeting for the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Program Committee, HOF Representative, EQF Reps, Sunshine and Door Prize. Please contact Emily Davis is you would like to continue in your present position or would like to fill one of the other positions.
Ginny Schaum is looking for donations for the craft project kits that are being put together for backpack kids. She can use fabric, thread, and glue sticks. Please contact her if you have questions.
Name Tag Drawing: Mike Warner won.
Next President’s Challenge Block for April is Out Doors.
Show and Tell:
Betsy Macomber: Challenge- Biblical-Hosannah block (Palm leaves), Moose wall hanging, winter applique characters quilt, she repurposed machine applique baby animal blocks into placemats
Kathy Livingston: Stuffed crazy quilt heart a Betty Pillsbury pattern, Blue and gold quilt, Challenge blocks: Flower- 2 poinsettia blocks, Family- Bachelor Puzzle, and Biblical-God’s Eye
Dolores Canna: Challenge blocks- Windmill, heart flag, Old Maid’s Puzzle, Jacob’s Ladder, and Buttercup, 2 bags for seniors- library, a table topper, jacket with pieces with raw edges
Debra Steup: table runner, fall fairy wall hanging (she designed with help)
Diane Warner: Challenge block Biblical-Road to Damascus, Teddy Bear Quilt, that she quilted with her new machine
Alyssa Coons: Challenge block- Family- House block
Ron Lower: Batik fish quilt, Challenge blocks- Flower-Pansy, Biblical-Ruins of Jericho, Family- House block
Emily Davis: Challenge Blocks- Family-Auntie Em, Biblical-Morning Sun, Flower-Tulip, her quilts- Coming Out of the Cave-stars pieced with rock and stone fabric, Flying Bats in greens and black with a floating star border
Joan Youmans: Challenge block-Flower- Lancaster Rose applique and flower mosaic with one inch squares
Colleen DeMuth: new masks for spring made with multiple bright fabrics
Barb Haverly: quilt made with printed Home panel with borders
Ruey Schell: star table topper set in hexagon
Stefanie Liddle: Challenge blocks- Flower-Pairie Flower, Family- Old Maid’s Puzzle
Sharon Nesbitt- Layer Cake pattern quilt, Challenge blocks- National Pride-Martha Washington Star, Biblical-Jacob’s Ladder, Flower-Magnolia and Family- Old Maid’s Puzzle
Sharon Vrooman: She showed some mini 6” blocks made in patterns that guild members have made. Showed her house blocks with sunflower and Crown of Thorns inside.
Program for April 13th meeting is a dimensional flowers demo. Please bring any you may have made in the past. Previously scheduled program will be rescheduled if possible.
Meeting adjourned prior to program.
Program presented by Sharon Vrooman on pin cushions and their history. She showed an assortment of pincushions and brought us each a kit for a flower pincushion. We made them at the meeting to take home.
Submitted by Colleen DeMuth, Secretary
President Block Challenge
Pin Cushions by Sharon Vrooman
... and making of Golf Tee pin cushions activity