SVP Meeting
May 10, 2022
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
May Minutes
Meeting was called to order with no guests. There were 16 members present.
Officers Reports
Secretary Report: Sent via email. Correction of treasures report. Should read $92.44 checking account $763.03 Savings total$855.47. Emily made motion to accept with corrections Barb seconded approved.
Treasurers Report: No changes from previous month. Ron made motion to accept Emilie seconded approved
Historian: Photos have been posted of Knox quilt show
HOF: Barb, Kathy, Sharon and Deb attended the HOF meeting, The summer picnic which is open to all members will be July 11 at Maple Crest CD Lane Park. We are responsible for a raffle basket. Edna has a basket she will donate for us to fill. There will be a quilt show Sept 17 - 10 to 4. Volunteers will be needed to set up on the 16th and take down after show on the 18th. It will be held at the Roxbury Arts building.
Old Business: Received a thank you Catholic Charities for the 36 quilts Sharon delivered to them
New Business: The Schoharie Library quilt and flower show will be the whole month of June. We will set up June 7th at 1 pm. Anyone with pieces to show can drop them off at Sharon V home.
Volunteers are needed to sell raffle tickets at the Arts in Bloom festival on Saturday June 10-4. Take down will be July 7th at 4:30.
Name tag drawing: with extra give aways thanks to Deb who was spring cleaning,
Edna guild gift bag, Ruey, Alisa. Steff and Marlene from Deb's donation
Show and tell There were many great tips and favorite tools, Emily showed a quilt to be auctioned off at the North American society for bat research at their 50th anniversary.
Sharon V showed a HOF quilt she got dated around 1890. Blocks were all hand sewn.
Show & Tell

Program: Tell group about you & the tools/products you like; any sewing tips, fabric you like; where you get your fabric; and
tell us about your sewing machine, etc.
Quilt Show (held in Town of Knox, NY)
(pictures taken by Steff Liddle)
May 7, 2022