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SVP - May 14, 2019 Meeting

May Meeting Minutes (draft)


Meeting called to order by President Sharon Vrooman.


Officers Reports:

Treasurer's report:  Checking account -$346.41  Savings account - $1251.41 total $1597.82 motion to accept Joan Youmans seconded Sandi Johnson


Secretary's report:  no correction no additions  motion to accept Joan Youmans seconded Ron Lower


Old Business :  we are still looking for someone for secretary. Joan Youmans Colleen Demuth, and Sandi Johnson program, and Marlene Laraway and Betsy Macomber name tag


Sign up sheet for Robbie Sutton's class on June 1 is being passed.  A list of material needed will be emailed.


No new  updates on EQF


The HOF will hold their picnic on July 8 . Directions will be given next month. Our guild is responsible for a raffle basket.


Quilts in Bloom at Schoharie Library.  Set up June 3 at 6 pm. Anyone having a quilt can leave them with Sharon.


Update on charity quilts, 5 additional quilt were received with a total of 32 quilts


New business:  June meeting is our picnic  bring a dish to pass.  Colleen will bring dishes and silver ware, coffee tea and water will be provided


Name tag drawing: Sharlene Vanderbilt


Quilt Shows:  Patchworks August 10 and 11 at Windom Ashland High School


Program  design your quilt-  tips about creating your own quilt using the things around us.  3 BOM's were handed out.  I you have your blocks done by June meeting please bring to meeting.  If they are not done we hope to see your finished blocks at September meeting.


I apologize for no listing of show and tells.  Apparently my dog ( I don't have one)

ate them. I cannot find my paper with them listed.  However,  they were all beautiful and unique.



Diane Warner



Note: Pictures are below Minutes-scroll down to see.




    Design Your Own Quilt

 (Suggestions on how to do)


Some Blocks of the Month


Summer Challenge:  Fidget Quilt

 Sample below.  Can find examples on computer.  Sharon Vrooman brought misc. fabric & items to take for the making of these small lap quilts.  Use flannel for backing.  (Challenge is optional)

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