SVP Meeting
April 9, 2024
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
Meeting was called to order by President Barb Haverly
Members present 18 Guests 10
The program featuring Joann Waidelich from scrappy applique was very interesting presentation showed how to create interesting pieces using scraps and fusible. She also brought patterns and books for sale.
Welcome and call to order
Secretary minutes sent by email; Betty made a motion to accept Stephaine seconded accepted
Treasurers report: Ron reported balance from 3/12/24 of $2276.79 a deposit of $20.00 was made bringing new balance to $2976.79 Joan Y made motion to accept Sharon V seconded accepted
Historian Stephanie said nothing new to report
Hall of Fame Sharon V said first July 8 at Cedar Lane meeting of the year will be May 13 in Arkville 10 to 3. Picnic meeting will be July 8 at Cedar Lane Park in Maple Crest 10 - 3. Everyone is welcome. Quilt show will be at Roxbury Art Gallery Sept.21 and 22 10-4.
Sunshine get well cards were sent to Sandi Johnson and Denise Tracy
By-laws committee was tabled until committee meets again
Old business
EQF show April 27 and 28. If you are going to the show and have some extra time to spare volunteers are still needed to relieve Sharon at our table and to give a break to anyone who needs it Schoharie Library Arts in Bloom will be June 8 10 - 3 Leslie Barber from the Reformed Church in Middleburgh said forms to enter quilts and fiber arts are available. Deadline to enter is May 1, Date of the show is May 17 and 18
Name tag drawing there will be 2 picks next month
A bit of Betty showed the cretan stich
Show and tell 32 charity quilt were shown and will be going to Catholic Charities
Next month will feature Beth Volkert demostrating faux chenille
Meeting adjourned (minutes taken by Diane Warner in Colleen Demuth absence)
Program: Speaker today
Joann Waldelich - Scrappy Applique
A Bit of Betty....
SHOW & Tell
(along w/charity quilts; thank you!)
Christmas Raffle Basket for the SVP Table at the 4/27-28-2024
Empire Quilt Festival Show
(thank you to those that donated)
SVP Meeting
May 14, 2024
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
MINUTES FOR May 14, 2024
Meeting was opened at 1:05 by Barb Haverly, president. Members present: 23 Guests: 3
Our program for the meeting was presented by Beth Volkert on Faux Chenille prior to the business meeting. Beth showed many pieces made using this process which she described.
***Secretary’s report: The minutes of the April 9, 2024 meeting were emailed to the members by Diane Warner. Diane Warner recorded the minutes in Colleen DeMuth’s absence. A motion was made by Sharon Vrooman to accept the minutes as corrected and seconded by Kathy Livingston. The motion was passed by the members present. ***Treasurer’s report: Ron Lower reported the balance on the checking account is $1,858.50. A motion was made by Emily Davis to accept the treasurer’s report and seconded by Sharon Vrooman. The motion was passed by the members present. It was reported that the guild made $320.50 at the Empire Quiltfest show. ***Historian’s report: Stephanie Liddle reported she has downloaded EQF pictures on the SVP website. It includes photos of the set-up, quilts and quilt take down.
***Catskill HOF: Kathy Livingston reported that there was a meeting on May 13, 2024. Ron Lower will machine quilt the raffle quilt. The picnic will be held on July 8, 2024 at the C.D. Lane park. The admission fee is $1.00. Some participating guilds will have raffle quilts and each guild will make a raffle basket. Those who are interested may make a 12 ½” unfinished bird house block. For each block you make for the HOF you will receive a ticket for a raffle. ***Program Committee: Betsy Macomber reported that we will have a potluck picnic at the June 11, 2024 meeting. Please bring a dish to share, a place setting, challenge blocks and something that you made using what you learned during one of the SVP meetings this year. On Saturday, June 1,2024 from 10:00- 2:00 a workshop will be held on using paracord to make bowls or mats. Betsy Macomber will teach those interested or you may bring your own project to work on. Bring your lunch. A question was brought up regarding how much we will pay a program presenter. Emily Davis discussed that a precedent was set previously when we paid $50 for the Mola program. A $50 payment will be made to anyone who presents a program.
Old Business:
Empire Quiltfest: Ruth Drake won the guild holiday raffle basket at our EQF guild raffle. The Guild made $320.50 from the sale of raffle tickets, books, patterns and fabric. Betsy reported there was an EQF committee meeting on May 13,2024 to discuss different aspects of the show. Insurance costs were higher this year as each quilt could be covered for up to $1,000.
Arts in Bloom: It will be held at the Schoharie Library on June 8, 2024. The set-up help is needed on June 5,2024 and take down is on June 19,2024 at 1:00
There is a new quilt store on Main Street in Oneonta. The owner bought inventory from the Quilt Zoo when it closed.
Name Tag Drawing: April winner Ruth Veley and the May winner Kathy Gorczyca.
A Bit of Betty: Adding a bead to a quilt
Show and Tell: Emily Davis: Disappearing Pinwheel, “Bats Know the Which Way is Out” and an art quilt about caving which Mike worked on. Betsy Macomber: finished four small quilts. Lillian Courchesne: a batik quilt and a zebra face, a technique learned in last month’s program. Dolores Canna: a bright colored quilt her sister made her to cheer her Sharon Vrooman: challenge blocks . Nicole Relyea: thread painting by hand pieces shown. Colleen Demuth: hat and scarf quilt, Halloween lap quilt and Convergence. Kathy Gorczyca: star quilt
Meeting closed at 3:00.
Minutes submitted by Colleen DeMuth, secretary
PROGRAM: Faux Chenille
with Beth Volkert
A Bit of Betty
SVP Bowl Workshop
June 1, 2024
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
SVP Meeting
June 11, 2024
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes for June 11, 2024
(Rv by Colleen as per Sept mtg
The meeting was opened at 2:00 by Barb Haverly after our potluck lunch.
Members present: 18 Guests: 1
***Secretary’s report: The minutes from the May 14, 2024 meeting were emailed to the members. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Emily Davis and seconded by Kathy Livingston. The motion was passed by the members present.
***Treasurer’s report: Ron Lower reported the current balance in the account is $3,609.00. A $50 check was written for a presentation. Two deposits were made for EQF proceeds of $320.50 from guild table sales and $1480.00 for our guild’s share of the profits from the show. A motion was made to accept the treasurer's report by Emily Davis and seconded by Emilie Wright. The motion was passed by the members present.
***Historian’s report: Stephanie Liddle reported that she has been working on the website and has had pictures printed for the SVP’s guild album.
***Sunshine report: Diane Warner requested that if anyone is aware of a guild member who should receive a card over the summer to please let her know.
***Program Committee: Betsy Macomber reported the committee will meet over the summer. Marlene Laraway brought up a possible charity project and will give information to the committee.
Old Business: Catskill Mountain Quilter’s HOF: The annual picnic will be held on July 8th at CD Lane near Maple Crest. Please bring a dish to share if attending. Sharon Vrooman reported that our guild is the host for this picnic. She has supplies for hanging quilts. Our guild members are responsible for bringing ladders, covering the admission table, and providing a raffle basket. Anyone interested may make a bird house block. There is a yearly fee of $10 to participate in the HOF. Catskill Mountain Quilter’s HOF quilt show: It will be held September 21 and 22 in Roxbury. Guild members will be needed to work at the show, Barb Haverly reported that the Middleburgh Reformed Church’s quilt show was successful. A thank you note was received from Mary Lou Ryan and was read at the meeting.
New Business: Quilt Shows: Hudson River Piecemakers Quilt Guild will hold a quilt show on Saturday, August 3 from 9-4 and Sunday, August 3 from 9-2 at the Hadley Luzerne High School in Luzerne. Bennington Quiltfest will be held on Saturday, September 14 from 9-5 and Sunday, September15 from 10-3 at Mount Anthony Union Middle School in Bennington. There will be an event at the Iroquois Museum,”Roots, Rhythm and Ale” on Friday, August 2 from 5-9. There is space for organizations if they’d like to raffle something or have information about their group. The guild could promote quilting and provide information about SVP. There is no booth fee, but they request a donation for their auction. There is a $10 admission fee. A discussion was the held and interest was expressed. Schoharie Colonial Heritage Association is holding an Antique Show at Depot Lane in Schoharie on Saturday, September 28 from 10-5 and Sunday, September 29 from 11-4. There was a request whether we would be interested in displaying quilts in an upstairs room. A discussion was held about the request. A motion was made by Emily Davis and seconded by Deb Steup to thank them for the opportunity but we’re not able to help this year.
Show and tell: Kathy G.- table runner, machine quilted using ruler in open spaces Ruey- quilt with beachy fabric Kathy L.- Nordic sweater quilt in red and white Ginny- Winter Joy a wreath quilt Betsy- Halloween crazy quilt and hearts Deb- made a small faux chenille piece.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:05.
Minutes submitted by Colleen DeMuth, secretary.