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SVP Meeting

Nov. 12, 2024

St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall 

Middleburgh, NY


Minutes for November 12, 2024


The meeting was opened at 1:04 by Barb Haverly, president. Members present: 21 Guests: 0 ***Secretary’s report: The minutes and an updated membership list were emailed to all members. A motion was made by Betty Pillsbury to accept the minutes and seconded by Kathy Livingston. The motion was passed. ***Treasurer’s report: Ron Lower reported our current checking account balance is $3,384.71. Two checks have been written since the last meeting and one deposit for dues. A motion was made by Joan Youmans to accept the treasurer’s report and seconded by Stephanie Liddle. The motion was passed. ***Historian: Stephanie Liddle said she had nothing new to report. ***Sunshine: Diane Warner was not at the meeting. ***By-Laws: There is nothing new to report. Old Business: ***Catskill Mountain QHOF: Kathy L reported nominations for new members are due by May 23, 2025. The judging has been scheduled for June 9th. Each nominee will need a sponsor. New Business: ***Program committee: The Moon over the Mountain blocks were shown by those who completed them. Next month’s block is Clamshells. Kathy L. suggested watching some tutorials online and the pin frequently to ease the pieces together. She said if anyone wants to make extras we could put them together for a donation quilt. At next month’s meeting, the pillowcases and socks will be collected for Community Maternity Services of Schoharie County. We will have our potluck lunch at 1:00 before our meeting. Please bring a dish to share and a place setting for yourself. Coffee and water will be available, or you may bring your own beverage. Name Tag Drawing: Martha Crockett

 Betty's Flower Cart:  


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