SVP Meeting
November 14, 2023
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes for November 14, 2023
Meeting opened by Barb Haverly, president at 1:10
Members present: 22 Guests: 3 Guests included Diane from the Old Stone Fort, who had quilt raffle tickets for sale to benefit their building fund and Kim and Jacqueline who brought her mother-inlaw, Claudia’s quilting items to share with guild members.
***Secretary’s report: Diane Warner recorded the October minutes which were emailed to members. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Betty Pillsbury and seconded by Ruey Schell. The minutes were approved by the members.
***Treasurer’s report: Ron Lower reported that the balance of the checking account is $2,351.00. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report by Ginny Schaum and seconded by Sharon Vrooman. The motion was approved by the members. Ron reminded members that if they need a piece of batting for a charity quilt, they should let him know what size is needed and he will cut it.
***Historian: Stephanie reported the pictures from the quilt show at the Old Stone Fort are on the EQF website.
***Program committee: Kathy L. reported that pillowcases and socks should be brought to the December meeting which is our holiday potluck lunch. Please bring a dish to share, your beverage and a place setting. Betty said she will do a demonstration for a bell ornament; she will bring kits for the members to take home.
***Sunshine: Diane said a card will be passed around to sign for a member who is ill.
Old Business: ***EQF will be held on April 27th and 28th at the Fulton Montgomery Community College in Johnstown. Please check the website at empirequiltfest.org for more information about the show. Quilt registration and discounted ticket purchases are due by February 15, 2024, payment by check or PayPal. You may print the quilt registration form or fill out your form electronically. There will be no charge for theme quilts unless you choose to have the quilt judged. If you enter an SVP quild challenge quilt they will be hung together if everyone lists it as an SVP color challenge quilt for example. We have had several challenges since 2020.
***Lily Quilt raffle: The quilt was shown and tickets were sold at many venues over the spring, summer and fall and raised $930. The raffle was held at the Old Stone Fort Fall Harvest Fair in October. New Business:
***Quiltville, Bonnie Hunter’s next mystery quilt clues will start on December 1st , Betsy reported.
***Quilt Zoo is holding a 30% off sale and open Wednesday-Saturday. They will be closing their store.
***St. Vincents Church on Washington Av, Cobleskill has a show November 18th from 9-3. Name Tag Drawing: Betty Pillsbury Program: Betty demonstrated the stem stitch, and we had the opportunity to try it. Kathy L. showed several techniques to make a cathedral window block. She and Betty showed examples of the pattern in their quilts.
***Show and Tell: Betty Pillsbury: her color challenge quilt, a tumbling blocks crazy quilt Martha Crockett: a cheerful snowman quilt Betsy Macomber: a dragon quilt for her nephew and a one block wonder quilt she had taught at a quild workshop Dep Steup: completed her violet felt piece taught last spring Marlene Laraway: a feathered star wallhanging Ron Lower: completed his Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt Colleen DeMuth: a Halloween and her color challenge winter hat quilt (tops)s
Donations Brought
Program #1: A Bit of Betty (Pillsbury)...hand stitches
Program #2: Cathedral Windows (Real or Fake?)
by Kathy Livingston
Show & Tell

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SVP Meeting
December 12, 2023
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Minutes for December 12, 2023
Our meeting began at 1:00 with our delicious potluck lunch and our “calorie free” desserts. It was the holidays after all.
The business meeting was begun at 2:00 by Barb Haverly, president.
Members present: 22 Guests: 1
Secretary’s report: The November meeting minutes were emailed to all the members by Colleen DeMuth, secretary. A motion was made by Ginny Schaum to accept the minutes and it was seconded by Kathy Livingston. The motion was passed by the members present.
Treasurer’s report: Ron Lower reported that the balance of the checking account is $2,256.79. This is after 1 deposit from the Lily quilt raffle and a check written for the quilt materials and one for Schoharie Promotional (amount was half of the Lily quilt raffle tickets sold). A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report by Betsy Macomber and it was seconded by Emilie Wright. The motion was passed by the members present.
Historian: Stephanie Liddle brought an album with pictures of past EQF quilt shows.
Quilter’s Hall of Fame: Kathy Livingston reported there was no meeting.
Program committee: Betsy Macomber asked members to bring a quilt ruler they have used in the past to make a block or a quilt for our January meeting.
Old Business:
EQF: Kathy Livingston reported that the registration forms are due by February 15th to enter quilts in the Empire Quilt Fest quilt show. Your quilt doesn’t need to be completed for the picture needed for your registration. A form is required for each quilt to be entered. If you are going to enter a quilt from one of our guild challenges, please write SVP challenge and add the name of the challenge on your registration form. It will make it possible for our quilts to be hung together for any challenges.
New Business:
Betty Pillsbury will be showing her work at the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown from August 29th, the opening reception to September29th. She will have a room to display her Crazy Quilt pieces.
Name Tag Drawing: Stephanie Liddle
A Bit of Betty: Betty demonstrated another stitch that we could use to make a bell ornament.
Show and Tell: The challenge block for this month: Marlene Laraway, Deb Steup, Betsy Macomber, Emily Davis, Sharon Vrooman, Ron Lower, Ginny Schaum
Denise Tracy: a holiday star quilt
Kathy Livingston: an blanket knitted by Kathy’s mom
Kathy Gorczyca: a blue and white quilt she made from Connecting Threads
Martha Crockett: showed a mystery holiday quilt, she machine embroidered all the blocks for it
Barb Haverly: showed a quilt for her past minister’s grandchild
A count was taken at the end of the meeting for items made or purchased for Community Maternity Services in Schoharie. Fifty pillowcases were made by members and 117 socks were purchased for the children and adults they serve.
Our next meeting is January 9, 2024. Our program will be about quilting rulers and an example of a block or quilt you made with the ruler.
Colleen Demuth, Secretary, Updated Minutes at Feb. 13, 2024 meeting
Holiday Buffet & Desserts....first
Socks &
Block #2 ----
Short Program: A Bit of Betty (Pillsbury)...hand stitches
Show & Tell