SVP Meeting
May 9, 2023
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes for May 9, 2023
Meeting opened by Sharon Vrooman, president at 1:10 Members present: 24 Guests: 0 New member: Mary Ann Ford
Treasurer’s report: checking $1,789.01, Sharon Nesbitt A motion was made by Kathy Livingston to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Emilie Wright. The motion was approved by the members.
Secretary report: Minutes were emailed to members by Colleen DeMuth. A motion was made by Emily Davis to accept the minutes of the April 11th meeting and it was seconded by Betsy Macomber. The motion was approved by the members.
Old Business:
***Quilters HOF report: The HOF picnic will be held on July 10th at the CD Lane Park in Maple Crest near Windham. Our guild needs to donate a basket for a raffle. Please bring something from your quilting stash to the June meeting please for the basket. The judging of quilts for potential new HOF members will be held on June 5th. The ceremony will probably be held in September in Roxbury. A thank you letter was received from The Joshua Project for a donation made by the HOF with our guild’s share of last year’s quilt raffle proceeds.
***Saturday Sit and Sew will be held on May 20th from 10-3. You may work on your own project or items to sell at the sale at the library.
***Schoharie Library Show: Smaller sized quilts are needed for the show and set up will be on Tuesday, June 6th at 2:00. The show will be held on Saturday, June 10th from 10-3. Volunteers are needed for the sale table of quilting items and the Lily quilt raffle ticket table. Fat quarters and patterns will be for sale for $1.00 and magazines will be free. New Business:
***Guild Program Questionnaire: Please think about what programs you might like for next year and what you might like to do to present a program.
***June Picnic: Will be at our next meeting on June 13th from 1-3. It will be a potluck meal, please bring a place setting and a drink. ***Shop Hop will run from May 11-21 and passes cost $8.
***EQF: At the Q.U.I.L.T. show last month Kathy Livingston reported that she handed out save the date cards for the quilt show next April. She said the vendors were pleased to hear about the show and were interested.
Name Tag drawing: Emilie Wright
Show and Tell: Barb Haverly: a sundress she made for the “Dress a Girl” project that sends the dresses to Third World countries. Kathy Livingston: a Celtic machine embroidered wall hanging Deb Steup: made a raffle quilt for the Cairo library, a large scrappy quilt made with triangles and squares Betty Pillsbury: showed a wall hanging she is making with embroidered tumbling blocks from our color challenge Dolores Canna: brought information about a recall for a small iron she has in case anyone else has the same one Ginny Schaum: showed a panel she bought of the 50 states and her completed quilt she made with the same panel Mary Ann Ford: showed three wool pieces she has embroidered Emily Davis: a curved pieced quilt with bats Betsy Macomber: showed her color challenge quilt made with her Spinning Geese blocks Sharon Nesbitt: Asian theme fabric wall hanging with the wood hanger made by Arlene Vrooman’s husband and in a class taught by Arlene Diane Warner: a children’s quilt made with pieced animal blocks Kathy Gorzya: large quilt made from a block of the month pattern Sharon Vrooman: her color challenge quilt of dogs in colored sweaters, a train car quilt from Underground Railroad book in plaids, and her border program wall hanging of Friendship Stars
Program: Snippets of Violets, Julie Angevine provided us all with kits to make a small felt circle with a wreath of violets which we started at the meeting.
Meeting ended: about 3:05
Next meeting: Tuesday, June 13th 1-3, please bring a dish to share, a place setting and a beverage.
Submitted by Colleen DeMuth, secretary.
Show & Tell



Julia - Snippets of Violets
Enjoyable by all...!
Thank you Julia! (in yellow top)
SVP Meeting
June 13, 2023
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Hall
Middleburgh, NY
June 13, 2023 Minutes:
Meeting opened by Sharon Vrooman president with a welcome and prayer by Ron Lower
(There were 24 members and 2 guests present)
Meeting began with a pot luck luncheon with a lots of good food!
Business Meeting Officers report
Treasurers Report: an audit was completed of treasurer's books we have $1788.63 in our checking account.
Secretary's Report: sent via email; Emily Davis made motion to accept; Emilie Wright 2nd accepted
Historian: Photo album is available for anyone who would like to look at it.
Old Business: HOF report, Kathy Livingston said picnic is July 10. There will be raffles, speakers who will have goods available to purchase so bring your wallet's.
Saturday sit and sew was chicken pin cushions by Betsy Macomber and button boats by Sharon Vrooman. Everyone had good time.
Schoharie Library show and raffle:The show brought out a lot of people. Sale table netted $112.00 Raffle for lilly quilt netted $170.00. There was a lengthy discussion on the proceeds from the quilt raffle. The tickets showed proceeds going to Lilly fest and SVP. However, it had been originally decided the proceeds would go to SVP to help us get our bank account back up. Everyone was given an opportunity to voice their opinion. Drawing for the quilt will be Oct, 14 at Old Stone fort. Kathy said that the committee is hoping to be able to have the quilt at more events and would appreciate anyone who would like to help contact a committee member. Then Emily Davis made a motion to split proceeds 50/50 with Lilly fest. Ron Lower seconded motion, 21 for 1 against and 2 abstain. Motion carried
Major's Inn Quilt show Oct, 6.7.8, Sharon Vrooman is willing to take and pick up quilts that people are entering. There will be more info at Septembers meeting.
New Business: Vote New Slate of officers for next two years:
President: Barb Haverly Vice President: Emilie Wright Secretary: Colleen DeMuth Treasurer: Ron Lower
There was a unanimous floor vote for slate welcome to our new officers
Schoharie Library show and raffle: Breakdown of Library quilts will be June 22 at 2 pm
A survey was handed out for suggestions for program committee
Name tag drawing: RueySchell
A big thank you to Sharon for being president
Show and tell: a lot of great show and tells. Arlene Vrooman who is a founding member showed a star quilt she made for Dr, Luz who is retiring. He served in Iraq and she would send him a quilt while he was there.
meeting adjourned
(Minutes submitted by Diane Warner in Colleen DeMuth's absence)
Picnic Buffet
And.....Thank You Sharon for being SVP President