May 11, 2021
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Middleburgh, NY
Meeting Minutes:
Meeting called to order by Sharon Vrooman, president at 1:02
Members present: 14 Guests: 0
Treasurer’s report: Checking: $152.05 Savings: $962.67 Total: $ 1114.72
Motion made by Ruey Schell to accept. Seconded by Diane Warner. Motion was passed by the members.
Secretary's Report:
Minutes of the last meeting will be posted on the guild web site. Copies at the meeting for review. Motion made by Joan
Youmans to accept the minutes. Seconded by Betsy Macomber. Motion was passed by the members.
Historian: There are updated pictures on the guild web site.
Old Business: No one has volunteered for the office of president. Sharon Vrooman offered to fill the position again. We will vote on the slate of officers at the June meeting.
More members needed for the program committee. So far Joan Youmans, Sharon Vrooman and Kathy Livingston have volunteered.
Schoharie Flower and Quilt Show will be held virtually this year. No date has been set at this time.
New Business: The Vermont Quilt Festival will be held virtually from June 17th-27th. They are offering online classes starting at $12.00 up to $125.00. Check out their website at
The Lily Park Festival will be held July 10th from 10-3.
QUILT will hold an outdoor fabric bazar on October 2nd from 1-4 pm at the Reformed Church in Scotia. The rain date is October 9th.
The Convergence Quilt class will be held this Saturday, May 15th from 10:00-3:00 at the church. Sharon Vrooman is teaching. She sent out a supply list via email.
An early and longtime member of the guild, Theresa Kahrs recently died. A discussion was held about making a donation in her memory. A motion was made by Diane Warner to donate $200.00 to the Middleburgh Library in memory of Theresa Kahrs. Seconded by Betsy Macomber. The motion was passed by the members.
Name Tag drawing: Won by Sharon Vrooman.
Show and Tell: Betsy Macomber: Challenge quilt block: Vermont. She showed a Bonnie Hunter quilt called Grassy Creek made in fall colors. It was a mystery quilt and started after Thanksgiving and clues were given out on Fridays.
Joan Youmans: Showed a shirt that she put a flower on after last month’s demonstrations. Also showed a Phantom of the Opera quilt that she put a rose on like she demonstrated last month.
Debra Steup: showed a small piece with a guitar made of many small French knots. She said she is going to put it on a small tin for her husband to hold his guitar picks.
Kathy Livingston: Challenge block: New York Beauty, showed Walk About, a great pattern for large prints done in a poinsetta fabric.
Sharon Nesbitt: Challenge blocks: Arizona and Road to California
Colleen DeMuth: Challenge block: Hens and Chicks
Ruey Schell: Challenge blocks: Ohio Star, Darting Bird, Jacob’s Ladder, May Basket, Suka, Hole in the Barn Door, and Broken Sugar Bowl.
Sharon Vrooman: Romance theme block: Wedding Ring, showed a challenge round robin, a carpenter’s wheel that had to be 12” or larger, showed a X stitch piece for a wild theme blog.
June President’s Challenge block: Romance
Business meeting ended at 1:48.
Program: Kelly Shultes, Yarn Design Unlimited, LLC
She showed yarns she dyes and fabrics that are dyed and made into scarves.
Next meeting: June 8th from 1:00-3:00 at the Timothy Murphy Park in Middleburgh, our annual picnic. Please bring a dish to share with a serving utensil. Please bring a drink and a place setting and silverware.
Sharon Vrooman sent an email over the weekend, -June 6th saying that due to stormy weather the meeting would be moved to the church if available.
Show & Tell

Program: Yarn Designs Unlimited
with Kelly Shultes