----March Meeting Cancelled again, Weather!?!?!----
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes DATE: 4/10/18
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. 22 Members signed in.
Guests/New Members:
Treasurer’s Report:
Savings: $1300.63
Checking: $158.45
Balance: $1459.08
Motion to accept: Ron Lower Seconded: Emily Davis Approved by membership.
Secretary’s Minutes of Last Meeting: Accepted as received
Motion to accept: Seconded: Approved by membership
Old Business:
Library Banners: Will be completed in future
Received a Metal Quilt Block free for $250.00 order
EQF: Turn in volunteer forms. Turn in quilts to Sharon Vrooman if you want it taken to Log Cabin shop.
Up to $100.00 dollars to spend for basket items
Motion to accept: Sandy Johnson Seconded: Emily Davis Approved by membership
New Business:
Hall of Fame: Raffle quilt to be displayed for ticket sales. We are responsible for two dates.
Schoharie Library would like to combine a flower and quilt show on May 17-18, 2018
June picnic: Discussion was open for having it at a restaurant, catered, or pot luck or a barbecue.
Quilt Show:
Empire Quiltfest: April 28 and 29th.
Marden Quilt Store in New Hampshire
Name Tag Drawing:
Diane Warner
Show and Tell:
Charity Quilts
Diane: twin sister pattern and log cabin
Stephanie Liddle: Perkiomen block quilt
Barb Rau: nine patch
Emily Davis: Owl and frog quilt, tools, window and houses quilt, Mola quilt, Bats and moon quilt, South African Quilt
Sandy Johnson: U.S. Map quilt
Marlene Laraway: Flower table runner, I spy Quilt
Joan Youman: pink checkerboard, heart quilt
Ida Polmyski: Brick quilt
Ruth: Scrap quilt
Nanette: scrap quilt
Sue Smith: Sailboat quilt
Ron Lower: I spy quilt
Edna Lower: I spy quilt
Colleen DeMuth: Animal quilt
Martha Crockett: Twin sister quilt
Betsy Macomber: Yellow flower quilt
Kathy Livingston: Farm quilt
Sharon Nesbit: Disappearing nine patch with a twist, Crossing paths
Sharon Vrooman: Twin sister quilt blue, heart quilt, Jelly rollquilts
CeCe’s Wools-discussed different products that are made from local sheep farmers wool.
Next month’s program is covered notebooks
Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Karen L. Frankel
Schoharie Valley Piecemakers
Show & Tell
...and Charity Quilts too

Program: Cecilia Tkaczyk, owner of CeCe's Wool Farm Store, Esperance. Discussion about wool, her store's merchandise, and classes.
Have to apologize as picture I took at meeting is blurry of Cecelia, so copied a clear photo off computer's google search. I just had to add the one I found with one of her black & white sheep she raises. (sl)