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December Meeting 2019

Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild Minutes

December 10, 2019


Meeting was called to order at 6:33 by Sharon Vrooman, president.


Guests: none     Members: 13


We enjoyed a delicious variety of food for our potluck and followed that with several desserts prior to the business meeting.


Treasurer’s Report: Sharon Nesbitt informed Sharon that the account balances were the same as at the November meeting. She was not able to attend this meeting.

Savings: $1,261.73                             Checking: $537.10      

                                                                                                    Total: $1798.83

Minutes from the last meeting were posted on the website and a copy was on each table. The only correction was the spelling of a quilt shop that was closing to Pookie’s.  


Old Business:

The snowman quilt that was made last year is hanging in front of the Middleburgh Library again this year.


EQF: Kathy Livingston reported that 23 vendors have signed up to participate in the show in April at present. She requested that the daffodil ribbon be shown at the January meeting. Colleen DeMuth will bring the vendor ribbons she has, that were made by guild members for past shows.   


New Business: Sharon Vrooman brought up that we only have 13 members at this Christmas party/meeting. A discussion was held about it being more difficult for many of us to attend a night meeting especially after the clocks are turned back in the fall and it is dark for our ride. It is also more difficult to drive at night when it snows. A motion was made by Betsy Macomber to survey members about holding the meeting from 1:00-3:00 on the second Tuesday of the month if the church meeting room is available. Edna Lower will check to see if room is available at that time and day. The motion was seconded by Emily Davis.


Name Tag Drawing was won by Deborah Gibbons


Show and Tell:

 Betsy Macomber- brought two batik quilts made one with leftover fabric and one in red, white and black with an Alaska fabric

Colleen DeMuth- Christmas table runner

Kathy Livingston- a gift bag she made with 2 10” quilt squares and ribbon    

Emily Davis- made a 4 patch wallhanging with bat squares she made from crayon workshop in October and a wall hanging from stained glass squares

Sharon Vrooman- quilt made with solid colors and a wallhanging from her crayon fall block


Next meeting: January 14,2020. 

  Please bring a holiday decoration/s that you put out every year for Christmas that you or someone else has made. Could be quilted or another craft, the more the “merrier”!!

Sharon said she will bring a small challenge for us.                                                         

Show and Tell


Charity Pillowcases

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